Data items in the EMD_MAP category record parameters of the CCP4 binary-format map file header (see, parameters derived from the map header, pixel size, contour level, and annotation details from the depositor. The map is a three-dimensional array of data-values of the same data-type. Important parameters are data-type and array size in three dimensions (i.e. the number of columns, rows and sections). Columns are the fastest changing, followed by rows and sections. 1 _em_map.entry_id 1ABC _em_map.annotation_details 'D7 structure of Groel at 4.2 Angstrom resolution' _em_map.format CCP4 _em_map.size_kb 32002 _em_map.axis_order_fast X _em_map.axis_order_medium Y _em_map.axis_order_slow Z _em_map.cell_alpha 90.0 _em_map.cell_beta 90.0 _em_map.cell_gamma 90.0 _em_map.cell_a 212.0 _em_map.cell_b 212.0 _em_map.cell_c 212.0 _em_map.data_type 'Image stored as Reals' _em_map.dimensions_col 200 _em_map.dimensions_row 200 _em_map.dimensions_sec 200 _em_map.origin_col -100 _em_map.origin_row -100 _em_map.origin_sec -100 _em_map.pixel_spacing_x 1.06 _em_map.pixel_spacing_y 1.06 _em_map.pixel_spacing_z 1.06 _em_map.symmetry_space_group 1 _em_map.spacing_x 200 _em_map.spacing_y 200 _em_map.spacing_z 200 _em_map.statistics_minimum -0.965912 _em_map.statistics_maximum 2.42436 _em_map.statistics_average 0.0668982 _em_map.statistics_std 0.23771