Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ANGLE category record details about angles in a chemical component. Angles are designated by three atoms, with the second atom forming the vertex of the angle. Target values may be specified as angles in degrees, as a distance between the first and third atoms, or both.
loop_ _chem_comp_angle.comp_id _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_angle.atom_id_3 _chem_comp_angle.value_angle PHE N CA C 110.8 PHE N CA CB 110.1 PHE C CA CB 110.3 PHE C CA HA 108.3 PHE CA C O 118.4 PHE CA C OXT 117.8 PHE CA CB CG 114.0 PHE O C OXT 123.8 PHE CB CG CD1 120.8 PHE CB CG CD2 120.5