Data Item _em_admin.current_status


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

This data item indicates the current status of the EMDB entry.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
code item types/single words ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
AUCO Author corrections pending review
AUTH Processed, waiting for author review and approval
AUXS Resubmission of auxiliary files
AUXU Upload of auxiliary files
HOLD On hold (1 year)
HOLD8W On hold (8 weeks)
HPUB On hold until publication
OBS Obsoleted
POLC Processing, waiting for a policy decision
PROC To be processed
REFI Re-refined entry
REL Released
REPL Resubmission of coordinates and/or structure factors and auxiliary files
REUP Upload of coordinates and/or structure factors and auxiliary files
WAIT Processing started, waiting for author input to continue processing
WDRN Deposition has been withdrawn

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
AUCO Author corrections pending review
AUTH Processed, waiting for author review and approval
AUXS Resubmission of auxiliary files
AUXU Upload of auxiliary files
HOLD On hold (1 year)
HOLD8W On hold (8 weeks)
HPUB On hold until publication
OBS Obsoleted
POLC Processing, waiting for a policy decision
PROC To be processed
REFI Re-refined entry
REL Released
REPL Resubmission of coordinates and/or structure factors and auxiliary files
REUP Upload of coordinates and/or structure factors and auxiliary files
WAIT Processing started, waiting for author input to continue processing
WDRN Deposition has been withdrawn