Data Item _ndb_struct_ntc_step_summary.assigned_CANA


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

The assigned CANA for the nucleotide step.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
code item types/single words ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
A-B A to B transition steps (first nucleotide A, second B)
AAA steps in the A form
AAu A forms with bases partially unstacked
AAw steps in the A form but some torsions (typically and ) have values switched from the typical values
B-A B to A transition steps (first nucleotide B, second A)
B12 Steps with torsion values bridging B and BII forms
BB2 Steps in the BII ("b-two") form
BBB Steps in the B form
BBw Steps in the B form but some torsions (typically and ) have values switched from the typical values
ICL Steps with parallel but distant bases that can be intercalated
NAN Unassigned steps
OPN Steps with unstacked, frequently distant bases and untypical torsion values
SYN Steps containing base in the syn orientation
ZZZ steps in the Z form
miB Steps with B like sugar puckers and stacked bases but untypical torsion values

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
A-B A to B transition steps (first nucleotide A, second B)
AAA steps in the A form
AAu A forms with bases partially unstacked
AAw steps in the A form but some torsions (typically and ) have values switched from the typical values
B-A B to A transition steps (first nucleotide B, second A)
B12 Steps with torsion values bridging B and BII forms
BB2 Steps in the BII ("b-two") form
BBB Steps in the B form
BBw Steps in the B form but some torsions (typically and ) have values switched from the typical values
ICL Steps with parallel but distant bases that can be intercalated
NAN Unassigned steps
OPN Steps with unstacked, frequently distant bases and untypical torsion values
SYN Steps containing base in the syn orientation
ZZZ steps in the Z form
miB Steps with B like sugar puckers and stacked bases but untypical torsion values