Data Item _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_U


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

The quantity (Ip-In)*sin(2*theta), where Ip is the intensity (amplitude squared) of the electric vector in the plane of polarization, In is the intensity (amplitude squared) of the electric vector in the plane of the normal to the plane of polarization, and theta is the angle as viewed from the specimen, between the normal to the polarization plane and the laboratory Y axis as defined in the AXIS category. This is an average or other representative sample of the scan. This is the third of the Stokes polarization parameters, I, Q, U, V [also known as I, M, C, S; see Berry at al. (1977)]. If the absolute intensity is not known, the value 1.0 is assumed for I, and all four Stokes parameters are dimensionless. When the absolute intensity is known, all four Stokes parameters are in units of watts per square metre. Reference: Berry, H. H., Gabrielse, G. & Livingston, A. E. (1977). 'Measurement of the Stokes parameters of light', Appl. Optics, 16:12, 3200 -- 3205.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
float item types are the subset of numbers that are the floating point numbers.
Primitive data type code
Regular expression